Weather Information

winterWinter in Wisconsin can morph from picturesque snowfalls to frigid cold with blustery winds very quickly. The District constantly monitors the ever-changing weather conditions to ensure the safety of our students at all times. 

We understand that closing school or dismissing early is an inconvenience for families and may cause transportation or child care problems.  Therefore, we try to keep our schools open as long as the weather cooperates.

How does the MPSD decide to close due to bad weather?
The current weather conditions as well as the forecast of predicted weather patterns are taken into account when decisions are made regarding school closings.  The Superintendent will assess the timing of the snow/ice, how much snow/ice is predicted, and how the conditions will impact the safe transportation of students to and from school.  After consulting with Brandt Bus personnel and other municipal agencies for an assessment of the local road conditions, a decision is made as early as we can confidently do so.  

How does extreme cold affect school cancellations?
The district takes into account both the actual temperature and the wind chill factor (the temperature your body feels when the air temp is combined with the wind speed) when deciding if school is open.  We will consider closing if wind chill factor reaches  -35 or greater. 

How do families find out if school is closed?
The message is relayed through the MPSD website, District Facebook, Twitter,  Infinite Campus messenger system and local television and radio stations. 

What happens when there is a 2-hour late start?
In the case of a weather-related 2-hour late start:

  • Morning 4K and early childhood programs will not meet
  • All students in grades 5K-grade 12 report to school two hours later than usual.
  • Buses will run two hours later than usual
  • All students will be dismissed at the regular dismissal time

What happens when there is an early dismissal?
When school is cancelled during the day, we will provide as much lead time as possible so families can make child care and transportation arrangements.   

When schools are closed, are other activities also cancelled?
When MPSD schools are closed all after school activities, athletics and meetings are also cancelled for the day.  This includes non-school sponsored gatherings that meet in MPSD buildings.

When schools are closed, is there an option for online learning?
There will not be any online learning on days when schools are closed.  There are inclement weather days factored into the school calendar  that may be implemented.  The MPSD will communicate with families how/if the day will be made up.   

What happens if I choose to keep my child at home or pick them up early due to weather concerns?
Parents always have the right to make their own decision regarding what is best for their child.  There will not be a penalty to students if the parent/guardian chooses to not send them to school due to weather conditions, however, the day will count as an absence.  Also, during inclement weather, you may pick up your child anytime and do not need to wait for the announced dismissal time. However, if you wish to pick up a child who is typically bussed, please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the announced bus pick-up time.


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