Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) is an anti-drug program taught to fifth grade students by a uniformed police officer. Students are shown the hazards of drug abuse and violence and teaches them practical ways to resist those pressures.
Keepin’ it REAL Curriculum
An effective multicultural curriculum that is developmentally appropriate
and based on the powerful Social Emotional Learning approach. This curriculum teaches the foundational skills that youth need to be safe, healthy, and responsible in leading drug-free lives. Features:
- Eight 60-minute lessons taught in Fall
- Taught to All Public School 5th grade students
- Evidence-based
- Delivered by Certified D.A.R.E. Officers
- Deep dive into material link
Opioid & OTC/Rx Lesson
These lessons helps students understand the difference between prescription and over-the-counter medicines, how to real labels on medication, use drug facts labels to understand medicine use and risks. Students engage in scenario-based activities that help them apply effective decision making skills related to medicine use. Features:
- One 60-minute lesson included in the Fall Elementary DARE Classes
- Designed for 5th grade students
- Accompanied by take-home Be Safe booklet and Family Talk
- Delivered by Certified D.A.R.E. Officers
Vaping Lesson
Vaping nicotine continues to increase among students. In this lesson, students will learn about the risks associated with vaping and understand how knowledge of risk factors increases over the lifespan of a product. Features:
- One Enhancement lesson
- Delivered by Certified D.A.R.E. Officers
- Lesson Objectives
- Recognize and identify basic information about vaping.
- Understand that most people in their grade do not vape.
- Identify similarities between tobacco and vape use, attitudes, and effects.
- Identify risks associated with nicotine use.
- Understand that products initially appearing safe may later be considered harmful as research and user data are studied over time.
To learn more about the local D.A.R.E. program, please visit http://www.manitowoc.org/index.aspx?nid=330
Click here for DARE Family Talk Letters