Exciting changes are happening at the McKinley Academy!
Created in 2007, McKinley Academy was established as an alternative high school for those families seeking a more intimate learning setting. McKinley relocated to the Stangel Learning Community building in summer of 2019 to welcome additional learners and opportunities for students. In Fall of 2021, Mckinley Academy was rebranded as a K-12 Virtual Charter School featuring elementary, middle and high school opportunities for those looking for an online learning option.
This learning option is open to all students with instruction facilitated by MPSD licensed teachers and aligned to state standards.
McKinley also features the following:
- Trimester instead of quarterly grading term schedule
- Students with disabilities and English Learner students will receive specially designed instruction from appropriately certified staff.
- Students may participate in co-curricular activities at our MPSD schools.
- All McKinley students will be provided a Chromebook and, if internet service is needed, will receive a hotspot.
Grade K-8 students will receive live virtual (synchronous)instruction in math, science, social studies, reading, writing, art, music and physical education.
Grade 7-8 students will be offered the additional opportunity to participate in world language, health and other electives via live or recorded virtual instruction.
Grade 9-12 students will have the choice between full in-person instruction, full distance learning instruction or a blend of in-person instruction 3 days per week and full distance learning the other 2 days per week. Distance learning instruction will be offered via a live or at times recorded format.
McKinley Academy has its own governing board which has discretion over the time schedule, organization, curriculum and teaching methods. McKinley Academy also has a Parent Advisory Council to help increase student engagement in this online setting.
To learn more about the McKinley Academy, please call 920-686-4700.